Friday, April 4, 2008

Candle Pin Bowling

What to do in Vermont when the skiing conditions stink? Candle pin bowling. I had never heard of this game, the cousin to BIG ball bowling! The ball is made of the same material, but it is much smaller- slightly larger than a softball. There are no holes for your fingers, you're suppose to hold it with your finger tips. The pins are much skinner and a lot harder to knock down. There are advantages to this version of the game. You get 3 tries for each frame, trust me, you need them! Also, the knocked down pins known as "dead wood" dont get swept away. The dead wood stays right where it lands, leading to some heavy strategy options. Meaning, if you hit the dead wood instead of the standing pin you could knock a whole bunch down at once! Conclusion: Candle stick bowling is a lot friendlier on your thumb! But it is very hard to control the lighter ball- leading to lots of gutter action. Bottom line is I won both games- so I am all for this crazy little bowling game!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The New York Times

March 29th I had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of Lauren and Brendan.  I would love to post some of their wedding pics but right now they are in sunny Costa Rica and have not seen them yet.  What I can do is say how excited I am that these two got into the New York Times and used one of my photographs!  This is my first NYT posting.  Thanks Lauren and Brendan so much for thinking of me and giving me credit!