Missy and Lucas are my new Harlem friends from Pilate class. Missy and I were in the bathroom one day after class when this woman whom we had never seen before came right up to Missy and asked her if she was pregnant! Now Missy, a Pilate superstar was FAR from looking pregnant. When the woman left the bathroom we were in shock over how rude some women can be! Missy went home and told Lucas. Lucas is a big believer in things happening for a reason and decided to get a pregnancy test. Well, sure enough, Missy was pregnant! No one has ever seen that woman again!
I put both the color and the b & w shot of this picture because I could not decide. The whole idea of the photo shoot came about because I had a dream of the above shot. A fall day, lots of colors, Missy and Lucas hanging out on a park bench being the easy going New yorkers that they are. So this shot speaks more accurately to the dream image, but I also just love these two in b & w.
In this shot baby Jackson was doing some Pilate moves! I love the look on Missy's face, so in awe of the the baby growing inside her.
Missy and Lucas thank you so much for allowing me to capture this amazing time in your lives! Missy and Lucas are now the proud parents of baby Jackson! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you 3!!