Yesterday finally cleared up and created a lovely evening. I decided to go see if I could be amongst nature even here up in Harlem! I had to be creative. There was a patch of grass inside a triangle created by two roads and a turn off. The highway department must have decided to make it look pretty and planted the flowers. To get a nature feel and not a city feel I decided to actually lay in the patch of flowers. When I told my Mom this she said that people probably thought I was crazy. Well here in NYC I think you actually have to be running down the street screaming to get the crazy label!
I then walked into Riverside Park which is a quaint little park. I love how the Pear Tree is in full bloom set against the other trees that are just starting to bud. It makes for a stark contrast.
This last picture was again in a little patch between roads...thanks highway department!
I hope everyone is enjoying this weather- soak it all in because before we know it will be the 3 H's- hazy, hot and humid!!