Monday, October 8, 2007

Fire Island farewell

The 2007 season came to an end for Greg and I last weekend. This was the scene over the water as we were on the ferry. Fire Island is an incredible place only hours from NYC but it always feel as if you have gone far. A must for anyone who loves the beach and great friendly people.
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Boards- Ladies night!

Boards is a magazine that is located up in Toronto, my buddy here on the right, Jonathan Block- Verk is the vice- president. This night was special for a few reasons. First the night was dedicated to two of the leading ladies in advertising (left and the blonde below)- a world of mostly men...hmmm, sounds like photography. Second, it was great to photograph Jonathan in a different way...a few years ago I photographed him and his wife Vanessa as she was in labor with their first child, Stella Brooklyn. His family, now including Oscar, are throughout my web site. They are an amazing family...and they photograph very well! This night was also really cool because people in advertising LOVE getting their pictures taken, quite different than some other industries! I was literally at times being pulled on by my sleeve to come take a picture! Most of them inquired about which magazine issue they would be on the cover of! Great night dedicated to incredible women!

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