Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Staten Island Ferry


I don't know what it is, the light, the history, the mix of tourists and locals...but I love the Staten Island ferry.

For those of you that have never used this vehicle of transportation, I highly recommended it. Its free, its only 30 minutes, you can get drinks and snacks on the boat, there are indoor seats and outdoor seats and it offers the best view of the Statue of Liberty you can get.

There is something magical about seeing "The Green Lady" ( that is what my students used to call her) with people from around the world. They are so excited when we pass her, their cameras are clicking, they have an incredible look of awe and appreciation on their faces, and they are pointing like crazy for the kids to look! They remind someone like me who has seen her a thousand times how special The Statue of Liberty really is and also what she represents to this country. The tourists help me see her with new eyes every time.



Here is a perfect example of a local and tourist on the boat.


